Becoming part of a visual chain reaction, attendees were invited to fill in the blank of the statement: _____is contagious and/or _____is not contagious. The result is a collaborative installation where the comments became part of the changing exhibit. It explored how our personal action or in-action may encourage or discourage the spread of an identified contagion.
Note: this was on created and on display prior to COVID 19
The Waiting Room

Believing that art cannot be separated from life, this series focuses on my relationship with my chronically ill child, the medical community, and God. The Waiting Room is an interrelated group of three-dimensional works that seeks to share those experiences.

Appointment: shredded medical records, monofilament, books, waiting room chair, embroidered pillow made from child's hospital gown embroidered "He meets me here."

The Waiting Room: cotton pulp, shredded medical records, wire, dyed raffia, waiting room magazines

Diagnosis: exam table, paper made with shredded medical records, cotton pulp. Includes,

Small Comfort: miniature blanket crocheted with paper yarn created from disposable paper gowns.

Views: Xrays with text read on the Xray viewer, Psalms 139:1-15 paraphrased

Breathe: nebulizer tubing, waxed linen thread, nebulizer. Machine triggered to go on when viewer entered hospital cubicle.

Hospital Days: Quilts as hospital walls made from hospital gowns stamped with a date for each day confined in-patient. Text is journaled thoughts of all Joanna's caregivers.

Be Still: embroidered hospital gown on instrument stand

Perspective: Weaving with hand-dyed warp and mixed textural wool yarns. Includes audio component.
What Chronically Ill Patients and their Caregivers Need, embroidered hospital scrubs

Love Me