Believing that art isn’t separate from life, the art I choose to create in a variety of media and formats relies strongly on message. Often working in series or connecting multiples, the message may be conveyed not only visually but through sound, touch or movement in space.

What often begins as an idea, journeys though a choice of materials and techniques that will best express the idea. Sometimes the material speaks first, especially if it’s a found object, like in the Castoffs series. This process characterizes my work and I rarely create something in my studio that I get “right” the first time around. And that’s o.k. Each step, or even misstep, is important in the journey to completion even if it brings me down a different road than I started.

As an artist who is also a follower of Christ, my life’s been like that. Sure, it would be easier if I had left this detail out of my story but it wouldn’t really be honest to hide an integral part of who I believe I am and how it impacts my life and art. It might be tempting for you to reject me or my art based on this, but I’m hoping that you’ll choose to see if the messages relate.

We have a great opportunity as humans to relate through the arts and experience them without prejudice.